Thursday, May 29, 2014

Check In Day!

So I checked in May 27th but I was so busy yesterday, I never had time to write what happened. So here's a recap of check-in day

Everyone crouching around me makes me look
extremely short, but still a cute pic check-in day!
My roommates and I were scheduled to check in between 7:30 am and 9:00 am, we decided that we wanted to get it over asap so we planned to get in line around 7:00 am. We all met up at 6:45 am at the hotel where Charlotte, Hannah, and I were staying and then we headed over to Vista Way. On the way over we grabbed some breakfast, Ashleigh and Hannah got Chick-Fil-A and Charlotte, Celine, and I just bought some granola bars from the gas station. We then got in line a little after 7:00 am. We waited just under 20 minutes for them to start letting people in.

The first things we got were our program guides, they were handed to us while we were waiting in line. Next we got stick-on name tags, Disney is on a first name basis with everyone, everyone greets each other by name. After that I thought we got our housing assignments and more boring stuff, but I was wrong! Next stop was our job locations! I was not mentally prepared for that moment so I was already freaking out when I found out I was going to be working at... MAGIC KINGDOM IN NEW FANTASYLAND!!!!!!!!!! So after I found that out I was freaking out even more. Quick side note- I am so excited to be working there! Fantasyland is like the epitome of Disney World, I can't think of a more iconic place in Disney. I didn't really have any area or park I specifically wanted to be in, I was leaning toward MK because it's the most well-known and popular park, it is also my favorite one, but I wasn't going to be upset if I didn't get it. Literally can't be more excited! Anyways... after getting our locations we found out where we'd be living; we got a 3 bedroom in Patterson! Our first choice! After that we took a picture for our housing IDs, got our keys, and received our recently printed housing IDs- they print them out right there. After that we got in line to receive our itineraries for the week, it will tell you what time you have casting (some people have it right after check-in some had it later in the day- like me), if and when you have a drug test (I did), when you have your housing meeting, when you have Traditions, and if and when you have a language test (I didn't- this is if you can speak another language fluently and want to have a pin that says you do). After that we broke up into groups of about 5 for someone to go over our schedules and we could ask questions about it. Then we went to a table to make sure all of our pay information is all set, then we filled out I-9 forms (& kept them) then we get a spiel about safety- Safe-D begins with me! Then we were finished with check-in, it took about 1 1/2 hours. My roommates all had casting right after but I didn't have mine until 1:00 pm that day so I got to be the first one in the apartment which means... the biggest room!

After check-in I walked back to the hotel and my sister, my mom, and I drove over to Patterson to start moving me in! We are on the 3rd floor which kind of sucks because it is a bit of a hike, but our building is really close to the front (so we don't have to walk as far to the Chatham bus stop), pretty close to the pool, and also close to one of the laundry facilities, so we got pretty lucky! Our apartment is awesome, I absolutely love it, it also helps that I nabbed the biggest room for Charlotte and I, so overall I'm pretty happy with it. I got everything in the apartment and got a bunch of stuff unpacked and then went out and bought more stuff. After unpacking some stuff I realized there was a lot of stuff I still needed to get like: a lamp, plastic drawers, baskets for under the sink, more hangers, laundry basket, hamper, and a few other things. On our way back Charlotte texted me and said that the 6th girl (who none of us knew) had moved into my room with me, my stomach basically dropped, fortunately Charlotte's dad took care of it and it was fine. I dropped everything off at the apartment and then me and the 6th girl- Cate and I went to Casting.

While check-in was fun and exciting, casting was boring and tiring. Casting is a lot of waiting in line and all boring stuff. You get finger printed, hand over your I-9 stuff, get your training schedule, and get information about traditions and busing. Make sure you have your I-9 stuff- a passport OR a license and your social security card/birth certificate, they have to be the original documents no copies. Lots of information, lines, and boring stuff- but you get to meet a lot of other CPs, which is cool.

After casting I finished unpacking my stuff and got all settled in. My mom and sister were leaving the next morning super early so I hung out with them the rest of the night and said goodbye to them. I didn't really want them to go but I was okay with it. My mom cried, which made me sad but I'm going to see her in 2 months so it is really fine. I already feel at home here, I love my roommates, I love our apartment, and I love Florida!

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