The Interview Process

The Initial Application
Applications come out the semester before the program; Fall apps usually come out in February, Spring apps usually come out in late August/early September. It is a very simple application, it basically makes sure you are eligible for the program, has you list your employment history (you can include volunteer work), your role preferences, and your school information.

Not everyone gets a  web-based interview (WBI). No one knows the reason, but for Fall 2014 apps not everyone got to move on from the initial application, they were stuck "in submission" until much later where they were either then given the WBI or told they were no longer in consideration. The WBI is essentially a personality test designed to determine whether your work ethic meets Disney standards. The questions use a five-point response scale that range from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree. They are also timed and repeated to make you as honest as possible. At the end of the WBI you will be told if you passed or not, not everyone makes it past this point.

The Phone Interview
After the WBI you will get an email prompting you to schedule your phone interview, make sure you schedule it for a day and time where you can be alone and have nothing else going on. 

Here are some phone interview question that are often asked
  1. Why do you want to do the program?
  2. Tell me about your past work experience.
  3. What kind of pace to you prefer working?
  4. How would you make someone's experience magical if you were working as a merchandise cast member?
  5. Have you handled cash before?
  6. How would you handle a repetitive schedule or task?
  7. Have you spoken in front of a large group of people before?
  8. How would you handle an emergency?
  9. Have you lived with roommates or in a dorm situation before?
  10. How would you handle a roommate that wasn't cooperating?
  11. How do you feel about the Disney Look? Could you comply with it?
  12. How do you handle multi-tasking or working with interruptions?
  13. Explain your previous jobs and how they might help you with your chosen roles.
  14. How would you make a guests day?
  15. Why do I want to do the CP at this point in my life?
  16. Name a time when you had to multi-task to complete a job and how did it effect the end results of what you were trying to accomplish?
  17. How do you deal with multiple things going on at once and having multiple tasks to get done?
  18. Name your top 3 roles and why you chose them.
  19. Do you prefer to work alone or in groups?
  20. Are you familiar with the parks, resorts, and Orlando area?
  21. What does Disney mean to you?
  22. How will the college program help you professionally?
  23. What are you most looking forward to?
  24. What makes you a good candidate for the program?
  25. What are three positive qualities about yourself?
  26. What are three negative qualities about yourself?
  27. What can you offer the company?
  28. What Disney character is most like you?
  29. What’s a magical moment you have had in the Disney parks?
  30. Tell me about a time where you made a guest happy at a job.
  31. How would your bosses (past and present) describe you?
  32. Tell me about a time you didn’t get along with your co-workers.
  33. Tell me about a time where a customer was difficult. How did you handle it?
  34. Do you mind working and living far away from home?
  35. Do you mind working mornings, evenings, late nights, weekends, and holidays?
  36. What experience do you have with children?
For more possible questions click here

Then What?
Wait! After the phone interview your interviewer will tell you that you'll probably hear back within 2-3, but sometimes it can happen sooner than that. You also could be pended, which means you'll have to wait even longer to hear back. That is what happened to me, I was pended at my 3 week mark, then I was accepted about 1 1/2 weeks later. If/when you get pended Disney will give you a date which is the last possible date that you will hear anything back, they will accept or reject you by that date. 

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