Sunday, May 25, 2014


Today around 2pm we finally made it to Orlando! We started driving around 5am on Saturday and drove all day until about 7pm; we stopped in Savannah, Georgia for the night. We got up today at 7am and struggled to find a place for breakfast, we finally found a place and were back on the road by 9am. Fun times!
The drive wasn't as bad as it seemed, it took us 18 1/2 hours total, 1,200 miles, and we were in a teeny tiny car but somehow I didn't mind as much as I thought I would.

When we got to Orlando it was 95 degrees which was crazy, I haven't been in that kind of weather in sooo long. We basically headed right for the pool after we checked in to the hotel, it was so hot. After the pool, we went to dinner, then we tried to go to the outlet mall. The traffic was insane, I know Orlando traffic is bad, but today was terrible. We made it into the parking lot of the mall and couldn't find a spot so we decided to head to Downtown Disney. On our way we kind of saw where the DCP housing was, which was pretty cool to see since my mom and Kara haven't seen them before. We only spent a little time at DTD since it was so hot and crowded, we actually had to park across the street at Disney's casting building since there was no parking in the DTD parking lot. It was actually pretty cool to see casting before I check in, I had no idea it was right across from DTD until today. We finally left when it started to rain, we were tired. We stopped to get some food for the hotel and now we are relaxing and watching tv.

It was a long day today, I am exhausted. Tomorrow I'm going to meed up with my roomies! Charlotte and I are going to shop for some stuff for our bathroom and then we'll meet up with Ashleigh and Celine in Downtown Disney for dinner at Planet Hollywood, then we are all going to pick up Hannah from the airport! Then Tuesday is check-in! I can't believe I'm here and it's almost time for me to move in and start my life here! Crazy!

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